Modifiers are used for those "one button" macros you may have heard about.

Here is a great example of a modifier macro. #showtooltip/cast MountNameHere/cast Find Minerals/cast Find Herbs/cast Smelting Like naming macros, you should name your equipment sets appropiate names so that you can remember them easily and put them into macros. My "PvP" spec is "spec 2" and my PvE spec is "spec 1". For example, some classes have a PvP spec and a PvE spec. This will equip your equip set names that you put in the "Primary Spec Equip Set Name" "Secondary Spec Equip Set Name". equipset "Primary Spec Equip Set Name" "Secondary Spec Equip Set Name"/usetalents 2 1 This macro will switch between your two specs: Primary and Secondary. It is much easier to cancel it this way than having to scan over your buff bar and hope you click on the correct one. This macro is useful for any tank that may get Hand of Protection casted on them for whatever reason. _"/cancelaura"_ cancels any aura you may have on your buff bar. To use this with whichever tanking class you are, replace "Taunt" with whatever your taunt ability is.

If you have a mouseovered target, you will taunt it, otherwise you will taunt whatever you're currently targeting. Here are some examples of some good generally used macros: