Reverted 3.5% > 5% as it borked stuff up Weapon Qualit: 7.5% production efficiency replaced with reinforce_cost -0.1 Standing Army: 4th Ideas is now 1st, maintenance 0.2>0.3, added reinforce_cost 0.1 penalty Conscription: received forcelimit = 0.25 Weapon Quality Quality, Quantity, Conscription and Standing Army tweaked :D Angevin Realm no longer requires Isle-de-France and instead requires the Loire Valley state Albanian mission 1st column interference when getting new mission tree If Geat culture forms Scandinavia it will get Swedish version ideas Added some logic to horde ruler traits to not appear elsewhere Austria mission section focusing on western expansion tweaked Alexandria mission modifier fix allowing for -100% build cost Korea mission missing some activators preventing progress West Slavic Monarchy heir issue fixed by term elections Development cost policies standardized and cleaned up

Forming Egypt gives option to gets Egyptian ideas Gaeldom britanny mission fix refusing to budge Subject view governing capacity positioning Geat culture gets access to Swedish reforms 1 Development policy not being limited to 2 1 Discipline policy not being limited to 2 Mercenary cost modifiers cleaned up in ideas and standardized Mercenary Ideas: 2nd idea merc_cost removed replaced with possible_condottieri, bonus slot merc_cost 0.20>0.25 Mass Ship Building state edict modifiers reversed (time good money bad > time bad money good) Norse Ideas: colonist removed, no replacement as fleetbase mechanic already exists War Taxes: unrest modifier removed, slightly lowered the values of other modifiers Austria-Bavaria idea set got discipline to equal Bavarian-Austrian version

Hindu and Suomenusko discipline deity 2.5% > 5%, hindu AE 5%>10% Ideas where discipline is 2.5%, 3% or 3.5% upped to 5%, I forgor Kongo Ideas: other forms of legitimacy added and slight buff Recruit generals gives 1% professionalism instead of 0.5% Some government reforms buffed to be viable options Estate disaster progress at 100% influence 0.5 > 1 Professionalism 80% and 100% tiers buffed to insentivise not slacking as much, modifiers slightly moved around trade_goods_size_modifier and global_trade_goods_size_modifier sources severely nerfed Some reinforce cost/speed policies and ideas tweaked, some buffed some nerfed Some advisors modifiers nerfed/buffed and some AI logic added Recruiting mercenaries no longer costs professionalism Winning massive battles gives professionalism